Compensation Plan for Representatives
Representative Compensation Plan
1.0 General Field Positions
1.1 Marketing Representative (MR) - The basic entry-level position carrying an initial entry cost of
$35.00. MR’s can earn commissions on all products they sell.
1.2 Certified Marketing Representative (CMR) - Is an MR who has an active PWP and who has a
minimum of 5 Product Points (see section 2.14 for description of Product Points). QCMR’s can be
eligible for FOB (Field Organization Bonus) that pays a commission each month for every QCMR in
their first 4 Levels. A Qualified CMR (QCMR) is a CMR who (as of the last day of the previous
month) has an active PWP, and a minimum of 5 product points.
1.3 Senior Marketing Representative (SMR) - Is a CMR who has 10 Product Points, has personally
sponsored 3 CMR’s and has at least 12 CMR’s in their 8 level organization. (See Paragraphs 2.3, 2.4,
2.5 for additional income streams available to SMR’s) A Qualified SMR (QSMR) is a SMR who (as of
the last day of the previous month) has a minimum of 10 product points.
1.4 Regional Marketing Representative (RMR) - Is a SMR who has 15 Product Points, has developed at least six QSMR’s anywhere in their SMR organization, and has a minimum of 90 CMR’s in their SMR organization. (See Paragraphs 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 for additional income streams available to RMR’s) A Qualified RMR (QRMR) is a RMR who (as of the last day of the previous month) has a minimum of 15 product points.
1.5 National Marketing Representative (NMR) - Is a RMR who has 30 Product Points, has developed six QRMR’s anywhere in their RMR organization, and has a minimum of 540 CMR’s in their RMR organization. (See Paragraphs 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 for additional income streams available to NMR’s) A Qualified NMR (QNMR) is a NMR who (as of the last day of the previous month) has a minimum of 30 product points.
1.6 Sales Representative (SR) - A person or business entity that agrees to sell product only under the Sales Representative commission plan. SR’s cannot sponsor other Representatives. SR’s pay an initial refundable fee of $74.95 and are entitled to offer product for sale via phone orders and/or written order processes. Sales representatives earn a 2% commissions on all eligible personal sales. As an option, SR’s may secure a PWP by paying the $19.95 monthly recurring fee. Sponsors, upline, and promoted reps earn commissions according to the table below:
Note: Product Sales Bonuses will be paid out to upline SMR’s, RMR’s & NMR’s in accordance with Paragraph 2.5 below.
Level Payout
Level One 1 %
Level Two 1 %
Level Three 1 %
Level Four 3 %
Level Five 10 %
Level Six 1 %
Level Seven 1 %
Level Eight 2 %
2.0 Nussentials Income Streams & Associated Rules and Regulations
2.1 Quickstart Personal Sponsor Bonus 5 and 10 (QSPS5 and QSPS10)- A CMR or higher rank can earn a one time $25.00 bonus when a new MR is personally sponsored and that new MR gathers 5 Product Points within 30 days of their start date (QSPS5). Another $25.00 can be earned if the new MR gathers 10 points in their first 30 days (QSPS10).
2.2 Quick Start Bonus Start Date - The start date shall be defined as the date the new MR’s application is received by Nussentials either over the Nussentials Sponsor’s PWP or the date stamp receipt on a paper application that is received with the appropriate payments. In the event a paper application is received without payment the start date shall be the date of receipt of appropriate payment.
2.3 Field Organization Bonus (FOB) - QCMR’s or higher in rank will earn a monthly residual bonus for each QCMR in their downline up to and including their 8th level (To the extent they are eligible)
according to the table below.
In addition QSMR’s and above will receive FOB to unlimited levels according to the table below. SMR’s receive up to 1 bonus, RMR’s receive up to 2 bonuses and NMR’s receive up to 3 bonuses.
Bonus $1.00 $1.00 $1.00
Level FOB
Level One $ .25
Level Two $ .25
Level Three $ .25
Level Four $ .25
Level Five $ 4.00
Level Six $ .25
Level Seven $ .25
Level Eight $ .25
Note: CMR’s or higher do not earn an FOB on their own QCMR status. FOBs begin paying as of the
second month of qualification.
2.4 Leadership Building Bonuses (LBB) - QSMR’s, QRMR’s and QNMR’s can earn LBB’s whenever a new MR enters their corresponding organization and gathers 5 Product Points within 30 days of the new MR’s start date. Additional Bonuses can be earned if the new MR gathers 10 points in their first 30 days. These bonuses are paid to unlimited levels. QSMR’s receive up to 2 LBBs.
QRMR’s receive up to 4 LBB’s. QNMR’s receive up to 6 LBB’s.
Bonus at 5 points $20 $10 $5
Bonus at 10 points $20 $10 $5
2.5 Product Sales Bonuses - SMR’s, RMR’s and NMR’s can earn Product Sales Bonuses whenever a customer purchases a product or service from a Representative in their downline to unlimited
levels. No commissions are paid on orders placed in the first 30 days of a new account. The payout
will follow the method as defined above in “Section 2.4 Leadership Building Bonuses” and will be in
accordance with the table below. SMR’s receive up to 1 PSBU, RMR’s receive up to 2 PSBUs and
NMR’s receive up to 3 PSBUs.
Product Sales
Bonus 4% 2% 2%
GBB1 1% 1% 1%
GBB2 1% 1% 1%
GBB3 1% 1% 1%
2.6 Product commissions - Below is the commission structure for the Nussentials Products on orders placed beyond the initial 30 days of a new account.
Note: In order to receive the sales commissions listed above, a representative must have achieved a rank of QSMR or higher.
2.7 Eligibility and Qualification Requirements - In order to earn income on the activity of your downline, an MR must be promoted to CMR or higher.
2.8 Downline Payment Eligibility - In order to earn income from downline activity the following
eligibility requirements are necessary:
Marketing Representative - MR’s earn product commissions on personal sales for all orders after the first 30 days of a new account. Personal sales commissions are 2%.
Certified Marketing Representative - CMR’s may qualify for the following downline income streams by
gathering 5 Product Points, at least one of which is a PWP:
1) Field Organization Bonus on levels 1 thru 4
2) QuickStart Personal Sponsorship Bonus 5 and 10
Level Payout
Level One 1 %
Level Two 1 %
Level Three 1 %
Level Four 3 %
Level Five 10 %
Level Six 1 %
Level Seven 1 %
Level Eight 2 %
Senior Marketing Representative - SMR’s may qualify for unlimited level FOB, LBB and unlimited
level Product Sales Bonuses by maintaining 10 Product Points, and thus being QSMR’s.
Regional Marketing Representative - RMR’s may qualify for unlimited level FOB, LBB and unlimited
level Product Sales Bonuses by maintaining 15 Product Points, and thus being QRMR’s.
National Marketing Representative – NMR’s may qualify for unlimited level FOB, LBB and unlimited
level Product Sales Bonuses by maintaining 30 Product Points, and thus being QNMR’s.
2.14 Product Points - To be eligible for receipt of the various Nussentials income streams, CMR’s or
higher must maintain minimum monthly “Product Point” levels. These Product Points are awarded by the quantity and sales volume of a Representative’s customers. In the event point count falls below the required minimum for a particular payout for a month, Representatives will have a 5 day grace period at the beginning of the succeeding month to make up missing points with equivalent product volume necessary to achieve required point minimums.
Note: Points are awarded for auto ship products only. However, Sales Commisions are still paid on
one-time purchases.
3.0 Nussentials Forced Matrix Building Program
3.1 The 3x8 Makeup – At the time of signup, the personal sponsor of a rep is recorded and they are
placed into the next available slot in the matrix below their sponsor. The next slot in the matrix below
the sponsor is determined according to the table below.
Matrix Level
Maximum Rep Count
Before “Spillover”
Level One 3
Level Two 9
Level Three 27
Level Four 81
Level Five 243
Level Six 729
Level Seven 2187
Level Eight 6561
4.0 Definitions
CMR – Certified Marketing Representative.
Downline – the organization beneath a representative.
FOB – Field Organization Bonus.
GBB – Generational Breakaway Bonus.
LBB – Leadership Building Bonus.
MR – Marketing Representative.
NMR – National Marketing Representative.
Product Points – A point value associated with a product purchase.
PWP – Personal Web Page.
QCMR – Qualified Certified Marketing Representative.
QNMR – Qualified National Marketing Representative.
QRMR – Qualified Regional Marketing Representative.
QS1 - QS8 – QuickStart Bonuses 1 thru 8.
QSMR – Qualified Senior Marketing Representative.
QSPS5 – QuickStart Personal Sponsor 5.
Rep – Member of the Nussentials business organization.
Representative – Member of the Nussentials business organization.
RMR – Regional Marketing Representative.
RTR – Regional Training Representative.
SMR – Senior Marketing Representative.
SR – Sales Representative. A member who can only sell product (cannot build downline and earn bonuses).
About Me
- Soraya
- Miami, FL, United States
- I have a lot to say.... strong opinions and deep understanding for truth... may justice always prevail!