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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Why NuJAVA!?

Nussentials – the Path to Prosperity

True prosperity...means that everything you touch, and everything that touches you, is better for that relationship. It must be good for everyone or it is good for no one...and in every way possible. It can be economic, moral, spiritual, physical and more.

At Nussentials Corp., we strive to have everything that you experience here be a path to support, create and share in that prosperity.

Did you know that with over 27 MILLION acres of farmland worldwide dedicated to coffee production, and an annual consumption of 12 BILLION pounds, coffee has become an extremely valued commodity?

Many enjoy Coffee, so why insist on Organic?

There are many isn’t just about all the “good” you get out of the is also about the
“bad” you don’t put in it. Organic foods do not use conventional pesticides, artificial fertilizers, irradiation of the food as a preservative, or food additives. And so, Organic production is less damaging to the environment in growing the food by not using these potential toxins...better for the water, soil, local land, the area wildlife and especially the farm worker who would normally be exposed to these chemicals.

Organic food requires less energy to produce and creates less waste in their wake.

Organic is generally agreed upon to have the potential for better nutritional value, a higher concentration of anti-oxidants, and better taste. Organic is good for the planet, the people who produce it, the people who buy it...and the people who market it...the Nussential’s family.

And why Fairtrade Coffee, and what is it?

Most of the world’s coffee is grown by farmers that own just a few acres of land. The Fairtrade movement helps the small producer and it’s workers against the large conglomerates. By re-moving the middle-man, fair wages can be paid to the farmer. Like the Nussentials “Path to Prosperity”, Fairtrade is an anti – poverty movement. We want you to earn all the income you wish, while aiming for the highest impact
possible to disadvantaged farm workers in developing countries. It helps create economic equity and empowers the worker in supporting health, educational, and retirement needs. Fairtrade products are usually organic as well.

World market prices for coffee, and other commodities, are highly volatile and often fall below the costs of production. A guaranteed stable price, that covers at least production and living costs, is an essential requirement for farmers to escape from poverty and provide themselves and their families with a decent standard of living. This standard includes...NO forced child well as health and safety minimums.

The Fairtrade movement has many benefits: It impacts 1 million workers or about 5 million people including their families worldwide. The consumer gets a high quality product from an ethical their money improves people’s lives in areas of the world where before there was no hope. Fairtrade is good for the planet, the people who produce it, the people who buy it and the people who market it...the Nussential’s family.

Finally...Why NuJUVA?

Inviting someone over for Coffee now has new meaning. Be paid for reccomending this Rich Bold Coffee called NuJava! In addition to all of the above reasons...5% of every cup of coffee that you, and the people that you care about, drink every day goes to feed a child that does not have the life that we take for granted.

With this...We WILL “Earn Millions...Give Millions...Feed Millions”

Thank you for telling everyone you know about the benefits of spending their Coffee dollars with Nussentials!

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Miami, FL, United States
I have a lot to say.... strong opinions and deep understanding for truth... may justice always prevail!